Alabama GOP Candidate Rich Hobson Is Raffling Off An AR-15 & Says "Every Family" Should Own One

Nothing lol.

I could be wrong I guess but I"ve always assumed that a big old shotgun slug would be more likely to take someone down if your aim wasn’t so good in an emergency. Slugs are all I keep. I know plenty about the spread with buckshot and birdshot and all, but I keep thinking about that big old slug and just go with it. It’ll do the job I know that much.

I’ll trade you mine straight across for your gun. :wink:

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They have a hog problem in Alabama.

What does that mean, you need more power to take down the big ones? A shotgun slug takes down deer just fine.

Good deal, wondering how I can get a ticket.

We have a hog problem too, lots of my friends hunt them and there are even services to get them out of neighborhoods where they destroy lawns like machines. You see them on the sides of the road all the time.

No. It has nothing to do with “power”.

Does it?

Not accurate I guess. Velocity and penetration of the bullet is what I was getting at. You wouldn’t likely use a shotgun to go elephant hunting for example. Your post about the hog problem suggested to me that you think the AR-15 platform or at least a rifle in general was better for hog hunting.

Probably easier if some idiot kicks in the door. My dad gave me a 12 gauge when I was 16. Still have it.

If you can get close enough. A deer rifle with a scope works better so they tell me.

I’ve never hunted them because I don’t like deer meat.

Have bagged a few with cars though. :roll_eyes:

75 yards is no problem with slugs and still have plenty of punch to take them down. That is of course pretty close comparatively.

It could be done of course. Never had a need for a deer rifle myself as I don’t care for deer meat anyway.

Elephants have been killed with shotguns for as long as Europeans have been hunting them.

Google, “Paradox Gun”.

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It is, especially in the open when trying to eradicate as many from a herd as possible which is why it is the most popular platform rifle for varmint, predator, and hog hunters.

Handled right wild hogg is a much better meal than deer.

Never had any wild hogg. I am grateful to those who do hunt deer however because they would be even more over populated than they are. At least in the area i used to live in.

Hitting them with a car was all too common.

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during a wildlife biology course in college I did a paper on deer/car collisions in the NE, particularly Pennsylvania.

Looking into the numbers deer at that time were causing something like 70% of the major car accidents and were responsible for about 90% of the insurance claims in the state.

Hitting a deer is nothing, hitting a pig is like hitting a boulder.

The average 40" long pig is going to weigh in excess of 200lbs. The average 40" deer is going to weigh about 40lbs or so.

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We have large numbers of deer accidents. We don’t even have wild hogs that i know of.

Bet they are solid though.