Just more proof of the unique dysfunction that is the State of Alabama.
Fees vs property taxes.
In the United States as a whole the average person pays $1,837 in property taxes versus $982 for government fees per year.
In New Hampshire the ratio is $3,000 in property taxes versus $379 in government fees.
In Massachusetts the ratio is $2,800 in property taxes versus $493 in government fees.
In most States, the ratio is skewed, more or less, in favor of property taxes.
In Alabama, the ratio is $567 in property taxes to $1,346 in government fees.
The Alabama Constitution was designed to centralize power in Montgomery, but was also written by very wealthy landowners. They designed the system to make it all but impossible to raise much revenue via property taxes. First of all, assessments are strictly limited to a small percentage of the appraised value. Secondly, governments cannot collect more than 5 mills, without special permission which can only be obtained via a statewide Constitutional Amendment.
So without any effective way to tax, counties must exploit fees to raise revenues.
Which, of course, is an extremely regressive way of raising revenue, falling most heavily on the poor.
Moreover, as the government is called upon to provide more services, as has happened in recent years, it simply is harder and harder to fund local government that way.
Three things need to happen.
They just need to ■■■■■■■ BURN the Alabama Constitution.
They need to write a new Constitution from scratch that decentralizes power and grants home rule to counties and localities.
They need to remove the restrictions on taxation and allow counties and localities to have the power to set their own property taxes, without restriction on assessment or millage, with the exception of a reasonable homestead exemption.
Alabama actually has the potential to do a lot better than its currently doing, but for that to happen, the shackles of its current Constitution have to go.
This line of the OP article perfectly illustrates the absurdity:
Two bills allow sheriffs in two counties, Winston and Autauga, to host fundraising events to generate revenues.
Sheriff to his deputies, “Ok boys, get your wives to bake some cookies and brownies, we need more guns and ammo.”
The Alabama Constitution is truly a ■■■■■■■ joke.