Airliner and Blackhawk collide mid air. Breaking

Detailed, at their beck and call, to the White House Military Liaison office. She probably only went back on flight status at her unit about 2 weeks ago.

One thing I think we’ve forgotten, but don’t know if it’s applicable in this case until more info comes out.

Accidents happen. As a nation we seem to have forgotten that there doesn’t always need to be a bad guy behind the curtain. Sometimes ■■■■ just happens.


Could be. That would explain the check ride.

Plane accidents don’t just happen. There is always a cause, whether it be mechanical, weather or human error. In many cases there are multiple things that contribute to the accident.

A lot of times. Most times.

So would that account for the “training” flight?

Not sure why in some corners of the interweb there is so much criticism of Captain Lobach being a White House Social Aide. Its a program that is over a 100 years old and I imagine its a sought after opportunity. Though apparently according to some this means she was a far left activist :roll_eyes:.

There is a desire by many (not really seen on this forum) to turn this into some left wing conspiracy that goes back to Bidens admin and is indicative of some bigger plot against America.

Great thread.

From the POV of a politician/liaison office, a dashing young female officer, with flight wings, is a very promising asset for escorting VIPs.

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Especially old horndogs.

As is a male for the many female VIPs that pass through the White House. My google fu skills taught me that one of the requirements for all liaison officers is “impeccable appearance” which means good looking men and women.

Does it?

There isn’t 1 battle task affiliated with being a White House aide. Being a White House aide isn’t battle focused. Nothing in the duty is battle focused. It is a distraction from keeping the point of the spear sharp, the warrior proficient at the battle tasks of their unit. As the accident shows, piloting an aircraft, any aircraft, doesn’t allow for mistakes.


The dog and pony factor.


Well its been a program since 1902 so its nothing new.

I get what you are saying but I imagine there are a lot of assignments (for want of a better word) including “ceremonial” assignments that have nothing with being battle ready.

Though I am sure some will now focus on my use of the word of assignment rather than the intent of my post.

Very true. And perhaps something Secretary Hegspeth will look at.

Back in the day, a junior officer co-worker and friend of mine (who also wound up being my best man) was a White House social aide. I don’t recall him ever missing work for it - it was mostly evenings and weekends (and not very frequent).

He had some good stories, though. He was once escorting Marilyn Quayle at an event when Dan came over and grabbed her ass. She looked at my aide friend, who was like “that wasn’t me!”

Okay Karen.

Even if the co-pilot on the airliner had noticed the helicopter moving toward their approach, they would not be able to determine that the altitude the copter was flying was high enough to intersect their descent. The engines on the jet would have been spooled down and flight controls set to maintain the descent. Even if he had guessed that the copter was too high, by the time he made that assessment it is unlikely that there was time to add power to slow their descent. That is why we have ATCers … to keep aircraft separated. Flight crews are trained to trust them.

We have found out her close close close association with Biden was the issue.

Very unfortunate.

Can’t ignore the man behind the curton.
If we do we don’t learn anything.

Information capitalism!!!