It’s got some serious issues it will need to overcome. Mainly of the fiscal variety. And you will need to attract suitable talent to the branch.
The transition from the army air corps to the USAF was relatively straight forward. It had existed since the post World War I era, had an officer corps that had become an entity all unto itself, developed its own doctrine, and had a steady number of recruits every year of its existence. Then you get to World War II where the AAC really exploded into the limelight. It was a de facto separate branch of the military during World War II.
The space force will need to do all of that from scratch without a World War to propel them to the front of the spear.
A rat done bit my sister Nell.
(with Whitey on the moon)
Her face and arms began to swell.
(and Whitey’s on the moon)
I can’t pay no doctor bill.
(but Whitey’s on the moon)
Ten years from now I’ll be payin’ still.
(while Whitey’s on the moon)
The man jus’ upped my rent las’ night.
('cause Whitey’s on the moon)
No hot water, no toilets, no lights.
(but Whitey’s on the moon)
I wonder why he’s uppi’ me?
(‘cause Whitey’s on the moon?)
I was already payin’ ‘im fifty a week.
(with Whitey on the moon)
Taxes takin’ my whole damn check,
Junkies makin’ me a nervous wreck,
The price of food is goin’ up,
An’ as if all that ■■■■ wasn’t enough
A rat done bit my sister Nell.
(with Whitey on the moon)
Her face an’ arm began to swell.
(but Whitey’s on the moon)
Was all that money I made las’ year
(for Whitey on the moon?)
How come there ain’t no money here?
(Hm! Whitey’s on the moon)
Y’know I jus’ ‘bout had my fill
(of Whitey on the moon)
I think I’ll sen’ these doctor bills,
Airmail special
(to Whitey on the moon)
The hard part will be getting 4 services to give up people instead of one. All the personal are already there just split up into 4 services instead of one. The doctrine is already there. Space command in the AF is already pretty much a separate branch now just like AAC was back then.
Why do the 4 services need to give up any one. The new ‘‘Space Force’’ just goes to Comic Con, Star Wars/Star Trek conventions and recruits an whole new ‘‘Fleet’’ crew. Most have their own uniforms.
The Brain VOG implants must already have been implanted in many. The sniveling masses can now bow down to the globalist advertisers and signals as planned
The Brain VOG¹ implants² must already have been implanted in many. The sniveling masses³ can now bow down to the globalist⁴ advertisers⁵ and signals as planned⁶
¹Vog is a form of air pollution that results when sulfur dioxide and other gases and particles emitted by an erupting volcano react with oxygen and moisture in the presence of sunlight.
²neural interface. Think Geordi LaForge
³stupid liberals
⁵social media algorithm
⁶The New World Order