AI getting ready to eat our lunch

There is a joke, along the lines of, oh the humans in experiment 420b finally got around to creating a second level, in regards to current Ai development.

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But that is pre open AI breakthrough rumor. Which is that they have achieved the marriage of LLM with Alpha Go and synthetic data and recursive improvement. You are talking about gpt4, not gpt5

It is a forgone conclusion, human decision tree vs AI, humans will lose. Only a moron wouldn’t go to machine times vs humans. Humans may as well be rocks compared to silicon speeds. Your can already see machine superiority in drone races.

It’s coming to the point that machines can out compete humans in almost every field. The AI open uproar is because math, if machines beat us in math, we may as well be chimps in the long run, If the machines get to make decisions, they are one decision away from realizing we aren’t neccessary.

All the pet retards will be consumed by AI and convince themselves that they’d actually die without it, the same way they already do with electricity, and WiFi. :wink:

5,000 years of technological advancements, just to settle for calling it the same damn thing the ancient Indus People did - a Divine Play (Lila). :rofl:


lInheritors of the earth, primitive hunger gatherer, this might not be the first time that played out.

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I like how nobody really cares about this existential threat to humanity though, hearts warming.

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It’s not the first time. It’s cyclic, and this wisdom has been passed down to the survivors for hundreds of thousands of years.

Only problem is, a species can only inbreed itself back into Planet Dominator status so many times before the genome breaks. :man_shrugging:

Sounds like a pretty exciting time to be alive.

A front row seat to the end of our world is primmmmmmmme real estate.

We lucky few.

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I am a no on that, may you live in interesting times is a curse, not a blessing, I am trying to provide a stable place for my heirs here,

A lot of people are concerned, but what are they supposed to do? Like you said:

But I am apparently outvoted, lets do unlimited immigration and full speed ahead on aAI, what can go wrong?

So it can happen to them? No thanks, I want it.

We’re discussing an inevitability, no? Cyclic, no?





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Tell that to a guy during the black plague.

Cycles don’t overcome themselves.

I get it, nobody believes AI is real yet, but it is.

Yes. That’s AGI. That is a game changer.

But until then… they are all the same. The difference is the model they are trained on.

I’d rather give him some moldy bread. lol

Fact of the matter is, if ■■■■ hits the fan, pretty much everyone is dead, and those who survive, are gonna be the worst kinds of monsters you could ever imagine. It’s not a place you’d even want to be.

So it either happens, or we pay taxes. I’m not sweating it until it’s time to get sweaty. :wink: