AG Barr refuses to comply with congressional subpoena for testimony from John Gore

Yeah franklin …billy graham passed away… My bad

In fairness, Buttigieg has a lot to repent for. He should try to be more like Donald Trump.

So, where do you buy these perjury traps? Do they come with bait - like cheese?

If someone simply tells the truth do they still get caught in these so called traps?

Perjury trap = they cant keep up with the lies being told

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True, Trump supporters wiped their butts with law and order on Jan 20, 2017.

The mythical perjury trap. I’ve seen more unicorns.


I am jist glad republicans are finally admitting they have low to no standards…

Everyone knew it just glad republicans stopped pretending they jad any…

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What’s the point of standards if they’re a detriment to winning?

Maybe he should be dis Barr’d? :grin:

Go for it libs!

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And don’t forget. Every democrat has the same standards as mother Teresa. Y’all are saints. God bless you one an all. Holiest of the holey :innocent:

Thanks’ V.
I needed a good laugh. :rofl:


One needs to be dead before one can become a saint.

I still enjoyed the laugh. One doesn’t need to be dead for that.


Yep. Its literally true but half the story. That’s why Washington Post is next in line after CNN as fake news.

Trump worshipers obviously only care about worshiping Donald Trump. They don’t need no stinkin’ laws.

It’s not “common practice” for a witness to have counsel, that represents the agency under investigation, at a deposition in the Oversight Committee. In fact, the rule that states that a witness is not allowed to have counsel was put in place over a decade ago and was unanimously approved in January of 2019.

Dats cuz we are baaaaaaad people. You don’t even know how diabolical we can get! :japanese_goblin:

One can also be wrong. God’s live children are called saints more than anything else in the NT.

Trump worshipers are in serious defense mode here now, some one hit a nerve.

The House is claiming that no executive privilege is going to be allowed even before the questions are known. That is not their choice. That is the Executives choice. The onlyt option I can see other than having an attorney there is to have the witness state after each question that they cannot respond until the attorneys for the executive have reviewed each question to determine if privilege exists.
Its not for the House to determine what is and isn’t executive privilege, it is for the executive. If there is disagreement it is for the courts.
Now…not common practice because approved in Jan 2019. Please.

Now, I know why the executive agency would want an attorney there to protect privilege claims. The only reason I can see that the House would not want an attorney there is to assure that no such legitimate claims can be made.
They should not comply with such a subpoena. Let the courts decide.

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