After 3 years the Kung Fu Flu Strikes

There is much anecdotal evidence to suggest that vaccinated people who become infected do not shed virus to the same extent as the unvaccinated sick. Part of that is the short duration of the infection, but also, the viral loads expelled are much less. The lower viral load of the exposure, the less likely that people in contact with that load will become infected.

I caught mine at work. Went home with it. Actuall took a few days before i developed mine. Two orhers became positive and alerted me.Tested positive there was none of that shedding ■■■■■■■■ in this story.

I think it is primarily due to the duration. I say this because CDC never claimed the viral loads were less, let alone much less. At one point in time they claimed the viral loads were the same, just that it was harder to catch if you were vaccinated, and the symptoms would be less severe.

I don’t know what that has changed to now. At the time it sounded like guess work. But in hindsight it may have been accurate.

I am going to get loaded thinking about covid.

I now feel mostly fine, I can’t smell anything, so my sense of taste is very reduced. I do get the urge to take a nap about every 4 hours.

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My wife lost her sense of smell for a couple of months. Then phantom smells for a while afterwards. Burning came back first, primal smells. She had it twice afterwards, only lost her sense of taste for a short time, week or so.

Good that you’re on the mend.

Does everything taste normal to her now? There are still things I can no longer eat because they taste differently after my sense of taste came back.

No, she’s back to full normal. I think she still has phantom smells, but she swears she doesn’t when she smells something that I don’t. Hope you get right.

My wife had this same issue - it eventually cleared up, but it took months.

That lack of taste thing usually goes away in a week.

My wife lost her sense of smell for more than a year.

From what I’ve read, she’s definitely an outlier, but it can happen.

I guess I was lucky. I had no fever, no headache, no loss of smell, no body aches, no fatigue. It was pretty much just a bit of nasal congestion and periodic bouts of coughing at night, both of which were substantially mitigated with Nyquil and Ibuprofen. Three days and even those symptoms were gone.

The original covid sucked what’s going around since omicron has been the watered down version. I lost taste for about a week then it came back. Everything tasted like it had a metallic taste to it.

Glad yours wasn’t bad :slight_smile:

Still no real sense of smell. I can take a jar of Vicks and put it up to my nose and breath in, and all I get is a very, very faint hint of it.

My 4th daughter has had it for a year. She says everything tastes like garbage (my word, not hers).

Yep it’s no good to me it was like everything was over salted, hopefully it doesn’t last long for you.

It was much longer than that for me. I think it is variable and everyone responds differently.

That was the way it was for me re: taste and smell.

Ya that’s what I have heard I think the typical is a week but you been through it is horrible. When I got it early on I detailed all on hannity forum lol. I got the bat virus literally six weeks after it touched down in the U.S. I remember that it just felt different than any other virus or cold not worse just different I think used the word ‘digital’ to describe it.

Back then that nursing home in Kirkland Seattle was 10 blocks from my house when it all first started. I don’t know if I had it since if I did never got any symptoms other than the first time.

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