After 10 years, Dangerous Californion reservoir to be drained

Utah people and farms need water during a drought (smaller reservoir than cali’s)
California people and farms need water during a drought.

Okay, what’s the difference please and thank you.

So fish are more important that people’s lives if the dam were to fail?

Oh come on Snow, are you really pretending Utah is even in the same universe for demand?

I did not say that. I am simply pointing out the differences between your “look how simple it is here in Utah” and CA.

Utah has smaller dam than Cali.

But the basics are the same. Impound water and hold it for use of citizens.

Utah Citizens have a demand for water same as Cali Citizens have a demand for water.

So again, please point out the difference in Utah taking action to protect the water AND it’s citizens from a failure . . . . and Califorina NOT doing it.

And your simplification puts Fish above people in California.

Or are you implying something different?

Both your posts above are the end of the road for me, you can play with this strawman by yourself.

Your the one that brought up fish my man.

And I’m pointing out that some states take dam safety seriously and drain them even in time of drought to fix them.

Your argument is: Well it’s California they are DIFFERENT.

I already said I did not think they are more important than peoples lives but you are ignoring my responses. Have a nice day.

Okay then how about this.

Why does it take the water agency going to the state legislature to force approval of permits to rebuild the dam?

If “California officials” don’t want it done and not issue permits…leave it. After the earthquake, they can better explain their logic to the survivors.