Activists are now coming after our beloved national anthem: "The Star Spangled Banner"is

The folks in the crowd will sing the anthem themselves if it is removed from the pregames.


That’s an interesting point. :thinking:

They tried to take prayer out of local school graduations so the parents in the crowds recited the Lord’s Prayer themselves and loud enough for all to hear.

Same type situation.


My dad is older than the 60s.
Please don’t do this, Idk where you’re trying to go and I can’t entertain it.
You posted a meme stating that banning books is what the Taliban does.

I reminded you of the stark reality that reading AT ALL was a crime for certain Americans at one point. Take a moment to reflect in solitude…We both know there’s know way in hell you’d ever say “Hey, those Taliban guys aren’t so bad after all” No matter WHAT they do.

Besides, the thread isn’t even about them. It’s about the Nat’l Anthem. I vote for “Lift Ev’ry Voice”


I will stick with To Anacreon in Heaven.

Not like anybody either knows or cares that it has more than one verse anyhow. :smile:

You know what happens when one side that wants a lot starts being given a little?

I don’t support tearing this down. I don’t support tearing any public historical artifact down. I don’t agree with giving a single inch to the crap I’m seeing in the news. This isn’t the way.


Sing whatever you like. Most of us will stick with the Anthem imo.

Give an inch and they will take a mile is an accurate saying.


They don’t want to “tear the anthem down”, they just want it replaced. What are you talking about? The same goes for White Supremacist statues littered across the country. People have made it known repeatedly that they shouldn’t be displayed in public, they should be in a museum or otherwise.

Those appeals have been denied until matters are taken into their own hands. It’s no different from Colin Kaepernick KNEELING during the anthem (to bring it full circle) and being told that “This isn’t the way” to the people unapologetically tearing down businesses and property. There’s a lot to unpack, no doubt.

Let’s change it to Baby Love by the Supremes.

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We cannot allow our heritage, our history to be replaced. I don’t care what the third stanza of a poem set to an Irish Drinking tune says. It’s our national anthem…and they ( whoever they is) can’t have it.

I don’t trust this mob in the news that’s out to tear historic statues down, or change national anthems, or renaming military bases, or cities, or any of that powder keg of violence pretending to be the good guys. I’ve seen this before in Arabia and Persia. This isn’t unique, special, or new. It’s just labeled differently.

I’m not supporting frenzied groups out to take advantage of chaos in the wake of a wasted opportunity to come together and agree about police brutality.


So acknowledge our heritage… our history.

I have…you?

To me it sounds like that verse is saying that slavery was a pollution in out countries footsteps(history).

Sounds to me like the song is doing exactly what the leftists want. Acknowledging the sins of the past.

Your concession is duly noted and appreciated.

I have… my entire life.
And the same can be said for my elders and ancestors.

I can’t spend money without looking a slave owner in the face.
I couldn’t go to school without learning how ‘heroic’ they were.
I can’t traverse this country without seeing monuments in their honor… All my people gave known is White American acknowledgement.

Would a little Black American acknowledgement really hurt you??? I mean really???

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Hardly a concession, I love that song.

Careful friend…you don’t know me…you obviously have not read my body of work here. But you are dangerously close to calling me out for something I am not. Or for not doing something I have spent 30 plus years trying to make sure to acknowledge.

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It’s been years since I’ve been here, my guy. I haven’t “called you out” for anything, I simply asked if a little Black acknowledgement is too much. Simple yes or no, and your resume remains in tact.

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I remember enjoying black history month in elementary.