A trump op-ed almost entirely composed of lies and misleading statements

I bet college football players are digging the narrative that Republicans are painting at the moment.

Just to be sure libs know what they keep ignoring.


Of course you are, otherwise it wouldnā€™t be duplicity

How is retreating from the US led World order working to ā€œReestablish American Prominenceā€?

I thought trump wasnā€™t a politician and thatā€™s why you all liked to vote for him.

To be fair, Donald Trump was probably a massive liar by age 12. Heā€™s massively out lying the politicians. And heā€™s 100 times more corrupt.

Cā€™mon you cant take anything Trumpists say srsly

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You donā€™t send a kitten to fight pit bulls.

So a few posts prior to this you were mocking the idea that the Washington Post had a fact checking department.

Now you are citing the Washington Post fact checking department.


Why is that the only thing you focus on?

Yea you guys sure upped the bar on lying, narcissism, and straight up ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  Congrats!

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Anything to help Trump

That they couldnā€™t find a way to run cover for every lie he told does not make them objective.

More like leveled the playing field.

Why not?

I mean it seems to me like an incredibly stupid thing to say that the President is working to ā€œReestablish American Prominenceā€ given what is going on in the worldā€¦ I am wondering why you feel that that is a valid opinion to hold.

Zantax wasnā€™t mocking WaPo fact checking.

I was.

And nowhere did I rely on WaPo fact checking to highlight Obamaā€™s lies. (Nor even making a point of highlighting Obamaā€™s lies.)

So the entirety of your post is baseless.

Itā€™s only stupid through the lib prism.

So youā€™ll never understand, even if I bothered to try answering your question.

You keep doing you my man.

What? You think ā€œreestablishing Americaā€™s Prominenceā€ was going to be popular with the rest of the world?