A Serious Question For Progressives About Taking

Neither does medical or engineering school.

From your OP, I took it to mean this was a general discussion on “taking”. Are we just discussing “taking” for certain programs like student debt forgiveness?

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Taking to benefit society vs taking to benefit personally.


We don’t require your consent, just your taxes. Thanks, BTW.

Speaking of

I understand, on what basis do you “require”?

Spoken like true authoritarian that I’ve come to expect from libs.


You guys baselessly throw these words around so much that they have lost all meaning.

Governments taking taxes to pay for stuff is as old as government. Surely they weren’t all authoritarian libs.

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It’s a consequence of the failed system we© helped create. I’m ok with student debt relief temporarily only if it is tied to real education reform.


It’s libs attitude…just listen to yourself sometimes.


I ask again:

So you are in favor of having the poor and middle class paying federal income taxes?


It was a stupid question the first time and even stupider the second. If you can’t figure out from the OP that we are not talking about all taxes, go use some of your money for a reading comprehension class.


Unless that “you” is on duty on a night as an EMT, and arrives after you have been rear ended by a uninsured drunk driver, and has the skills to save your life.

Nah…you are thinking cons that lack empathy. Which appears to be many.

Isnt this just a matter of scale? The more people you help personally, the closer you get to helping society as a whole.

Let me see if I’m understanding your viewpoint correctly. Taxes for roads and Defense are ok because the go to society as whole. But, taxes for student loan forgiveness, healthcare, food stamps, etc. Are not, because it helps individuals?

Where would fire, and education fit in? Society or individual? What would I care if someones house on the other side of the city burns down, or if someone else’s kids get an education?

If we decide taxes are ok to pay for some things like defense, then the argument becomes, what else is it ok to spend taxes on? Each different policy will have different value and moral arguments. What do we as a society(Americans) value?

The folks who may save your life, or someone you care about, have medical degrees.
The toy you are playing with now was developed by people who have engineering degrees.


You don’t need a college degree to be an EMT.


Is there necessary training? Or can one just walk off the street and get hired?