A serious discussion thread on the the comments made last night between our host and the president

Do you guys think that Cohen actually said this to Sean a dozen times? That seems fishy to me.


I bolded the part where i believed that makes the assumption cohen is now truthful.
I think the complete biased behavior the fake media and democrats have for trump was decision enough for sean to stand with trump on this.

It’s Sean’s word against Cohen’s. If there are no audio proof, then it’s difficult to say who is right.

Good point. When it came out that Cohen was Hannity’s attorney they barely talked, just some idle chat about real estate.

At some point you wonder if people who have been saying whatever they want For a long time with no repercussions think that’s how it always works.


This is a really great point. It seems more than fishy.

Ok fair enough. That wasn’t my intention. My thought is that Sean put himself in the role of arbiter of the truth…whatever that may be, and used his role as TV host to go on air. Not under oath and tell people he knows the truth. We don’t know what the truth actually is, do we? I have a problem with him being involved in that way and on his show.

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And that is why I am so shocked that Sean used his platform to say this. Does he have proof?

Good point Peter Griffin.

I have also been somewhat perplexed at how such a conversation would arise between casual acquaintances. I mean, it’s possible I guess, but usually we talk about the weather and maybe ask how their family is doing.

Please post a link to this because the last I read, it was an unsolved murder.

An innocent IT man was murdered at or about the same time the DNC’s computer was found to be compromised. Was it related? The murder has never been solved to the best of my knowledge?

They hurt a lot of innocent people then on a very flimsy basis. So what you’re saying is they just committed libel? I’ll go along with that.

They splattered an incendiary article with the full force of their media plus wrongly took a position as to who was guilty. They judged which is NOT journalism. They really hurt people and did so with an aggravating factor of stupidity and rushing to judgement.

I don’t disagree.

Sounds to me like you buy into the conspiracy theories surronding the murder. Do you also believe the moon landings were faked or that the Bush family are part of shape shifting race of alien lizards?

Dude your better than this. I might not agree with you on much but never figured you to buy into conspiracy theories that are blatantly pushed to disparage a politician who is not very well liked. Even Hannity was forced to retract the conspiracy theories he was allowing to be aired on his Fox show.


All you just said was that you don’t know the answer either…just like me.

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It is unsolved but the police say it was a robbery. No clues that it was a planned murder or a conspiracy. Are you thinking it could have been?

Can anyone explain to me what this has to do with the OP? I just don’t get it. Not being critical, just not getting it.

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Lets go back to Dan Rather and his lies about Bush. He had been a journalist for a lot of years and thought he could get away with what he did. How many other times had he used lies and reported them as the truth and didn’t get caught? He was picking a side.

It wasn’t quite like that of course andit still cost him his career and his reputation.

Republican media figures and pundits trade in worse horse ■■■■ on a regular basis and it boosts their careers. There’s no accountability. If they retract something or correct the record they are damaged and seen as weak by their audience and to the poster who said Sean Hannity retracted his Seth Rich accusations, he retracted nothing. Fox News retracted it’s Seth Rich reporting. Hannity said something about it’s not over yet and moved on to the next.

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