A crack in Fox News' Trump support?

One direction is how more and more politicians are approving of, endorsing, encouraging and promoting illegal aliens illegally residing in this country and allowing access to government resources paid for by tax paying citizens. Trump is attempting to expose the sanctuary culture and real it back in to abiding by our nation’s laws.

Pelosi is dangerous to the future of this country and that’s the context I’m not ignorant of. Can you say the same thing?

I undertand that facts destroy your narrative and you try to avoid them like the plague but there they are. 3001 Trump lies all compiled into 1 neat list

I can think of a few things that were obvious changes. I have no clue which of these (if any) he’s speaking of…

Same sex marriage
Football players kneeling
Same sex couples gaining rights with their SOs
DOW reversing and going up
First minority president
First female presidential candidate getting more votes
401ks going back up
Unemployment settling down
Deficient going down

Those are the obvious ones. What else guys?

Ok, thanks, that’s one. Illegal aliens. That must be a really big one for you. Any other aspects of “the direction” you don’t like? Do you believe Trump is changing those?

I don’t like the fact that many companies have left our country, pay taxes elsewhere and ship their goods and services back into our country. Hopefully the changes in taxes will reverse this trend?

And you’re counting on someone that still has 100% of their products manufactured in other countries and relies largely on immigrant labor to fix it. Great plan!


why not 6000? Then you could say he lies an even dozen times a day.

Because 3000 is reality and illustrates perfectly that Trump simply is incapable of being honest.

If I participate in something because that is the current law, that same experience could be reapplied to change that same law…wouldn’t you agree?

If Trump is fixing the situation why did he change the rules to make it easier to import in the type of immigrant labor he utilizes at his resorts?

so that was supposedly 3000 out of his many things he said?
Lets get to the ratio of supposed lies to truths.

I don’t approve of increasing the number of visas for unskilled labor as Trump has done. That doesn’t diminish the change in taxes in an attempt to bring back jobs that require a higher level of skill and pay higher wages. Wouldn’t you agree?

Are you for real? Ratio? What a pathetic attempt at deflecting from the fact that Trump is a compulsive liar. 3001 lies in a year and a half time is a SERIOUS problem no matter what way you look at it.

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It’s all about the scary brown people with the Trumpkins

but he said 300,000 things. So one in a hundred things is a lie? For someone in political office, compared to other presidents… that is not bad.

His lying is indeed bad no matter how you slice it. Normal people don’t do that. But go ahead and keep making excuses for a pathological liar.

It’s all about abiding by the laws of the land with me. Those that do not abide by the laws should be prosecuted by them.

that’s easy. he’s not fixing that issue.

just like he’s not fixing the debt.

13% of black men voted for Trump.