5.2 percent increase for Federal employees, 4.7% of which will be across the board and 0.5% will be locality pay

It’s been almost precisely 100 years since the Stock Market crashed, huh? :wink:

What are we 37 trillion in debt.

You and @Gaius are better than me at this but aren’t like half the jobs created every month federal jobs?

That sound stupid to anyone else?


Not until they do their jobs.

I sense we are doomed to disagree here my friend.

The border patrol is handcuffed by idiotic public policy courtesy of the worst president ever.

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It’s all stupid, and libs are clearly failed products of a defunct educational system.

When it all comes crashing down, the government will still survive, and will need people like me to put the frothing rioting libs down. There will be no further use for them and they certainly wouldn’t be welcome anywhere that mattered to government continuity. :man_shrugging:

A lot but not half.
(from another thread)

Oh. Sound like

  • When the cost of health insurance goes up
    Federal employees get the added health insurance plus get an extra raise in their cash wages above and beyond inflation.

  • When the cost of benefits go up (workers comp, family leave etc.), Federal employees get the benefits plus get an extra raise in their cash wages above and beyond inflation.

  • When Federal employees get an added holiday (like Juneteenth) they get the paid holiday plus get an extra raise in their cash wages above and beyond inflation.

Worker: “Why’d I get a raise?”
Employer: “Well, we gave you an extra paid day off so the cost of compensating you went up.”

IOW it sounds pretty stupid to me but since we are talking about the government, maybe it happened.

Thank you…

After the downward revision of those 150000 that 51000 will be pretty close to half.

Appreciate the information you provide.

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There’s a lot more to it than that.

I think the border patrol has done pretty well given what they’ve been given to work with by this administration…

Like I said I suspect we’ll disagree on this point.

It’s fine I’m off to announce a big roping in fort Worth have a great day!

When I see them cutting razor write and fist-bumping illegals I think it might be time for them to consider quitting their jobs on ethical grounds.

There is a line where most people think
“I wouldn’t do that for middle class pay. I’d rather learn to drive a truck or fix air conditioners. Nope I won’t be a whore and I won’t raise my sons and daughters to be whores.”


Might want to look at the demographics.

The rationale (which applies to Clinton, Bush II, Obama, Trump & Biden, who all issued these executive pay orders every year) is to adjust Federal pay for inflation.

No more.

No less.

If your an inventory management specialist, GS-5, at Step 10 (you’ve been with the government 18 years), you would be making right at the bottom of the range of what private sector inventory management specialists would be making.

If your looking for job security, the General Schedule is the place for you.

If your looking for superior pay, you will find it in the private sector.

No more
No less.

Wouldn’t that imply a pay increase the same as inflation instead of 150% times inflation?

“Apples went up $1.00 so mega-big apple corporation raised the orice to consumers $1.50” would not exactly have libs falling over themselves to applaud.

As another poster stated above, the changes are based on the Employment Cost Index. Biden calculated this just as Clinton, Bush II, Obama and Trump did.

And the Alternative Pay Plan is MUCH lower than if Biden had allowed the statutory increase to take affect.

No foul on Biden or any of the other President’s here. They are simply following the law as written.

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There are quite a few things I would be willing to cut, including significant cuts on the defense and domestic sides.

■■■■ can construction of some Navy carriers and other ships and cut force sizes overall.

Abolish the Department of Education and some other useless agencies.

Unfortunately, for all the “shut down the government” talk, Republicans have made few significant cuts when they have had full power.

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Few? They’ve never, ever significantly cut anything.

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The Republican Congress did abolish the Board of Tea Appeals in 1996.


Yes, that was a real thing.

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