26 FBI Agents at Jan 6!

It’s also in the article an FBI agent eluded to Trump Supporters as terrorists, so yah still not good for the left.

They are arguing over the capacity! Well Ray Epps did far worse and got off on technicalities. We see what’s going on.


Wow. So their normal day was going to a Trump protest rally and some entering restricted areas on their own? So, again, why not hunted down and prosecuted like others?


You said, “the fbi paid a few dozen people to be in the crowd.” That is wrong. Only 3 CHSs were instructed, being paid, to be there. The rest were there under their own volition and were not being paid. So therefore, your “few dozen” number is wrong.

No, just rioters when they gather in a large group to “stop the steal” particularly when nothing was stolen :man_shrugging:t5:

Because Trump supporters are a terrorist threat to the FBI

The fantasy world is yours presently.

Trying to equate the absence of evidence in Capone where there was common knowledge and this instance is one of the worse analogies but par for the course

Nobody ever saw Hitler kill anybody either. Stop.

they are mish-moshing words because they know they are once again, sigh, wrong

No they didnt. When you first become a source they sit you down and say if you do anything illegal they wont protect you.

Your right he didn’t, so how is his point any less valid?

i mean, do you even read?

Well no. It’s amazing how you took this report as proving you being correct or destroying any narrative

FBI informants were there. There is no evidence the fbi instigated any of it.

The whole mess is at the feet of the rioters.

Lmao they are asked to do illegal stuff all the time! Whitey Bulger broke the law for years and was Robert Mueller’s informant.

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Because there was common knowledge that Capone killed people. There were witnesses who refused to testify. There is no evidence of instigation. Just infiltration. That’s why the parallel is so silly.

Kind of like informants refusing to testify on this?

How do you know the non sanctioned informants weren’t arrested? Hell, how you know that they were even IN the capitol?

I highly doubt they were instructed to be there. They most likely told their handler a few weeks before j6 they planned on going and the handler gave them a few topics and maybe a picture of someone to look out for.

i am not saying they did. but they were there and involved.

and absence of evidence…. you know


Yes. And only 3 out of the 26 were told to be at the Stop the Steal event. So only 3 were being paid to be there.

That we know of!

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