25 million tons of unsold soybeans to rotten in storage

Look… this is one of those things where I agree with the conservative side of the aisle that the regulations are poorly written and broadly applied to the wrong people instead of the major polluters.

That doesn’t change the fact that using the “waters of the United States” to enforce the Clean Water Act started back with Bush 41.

And Trump is going to use the EPA to attack farms by rolling back programs that help them.

Proposed EPA Cuts Could Hurt Farmers and Worsen Water Quality

According to documents obtained by the Washington Post, the details of the proposed FY2018 budget decrease to the EPA could have major negative impacts on farmers and water quality. In particular, the administration has proposed completely eliminating the $165 million Nonpoint Source Grant Program, sometimes also referred to as 319 Grants after Section 319 of the Clean Water Act. (Nonpoint source pollution refers to pollution that does not come from a defined source such as a pipe or smokestack, but rather is diffuse, such as runoff from a field. Most agricultural pollution is legally classified as nonpoint source by the Clean Water Act.)


The art of the heel.

March 2nd is less than a week away…

Obama didn’t “attack” farmers.

The EPA was establishing tougher regulations to protect lakes and rivers and streams and wetlands. It wasn’t aimed at farmers.

The article you posted mentions giving the EPA more oversight on pollution. EPA hasn’t updated criteria for the compounds that are most used by farmers in several years.