2020 Election Fraud Thread (Part 2)

Look it up- Voter rolls in major urban areas like Chicago, LA, NYC, and Philadelphia have more registered Democrats.

That doesnā€™t mean they are the ones doing the shooting.

Chances are they are apolitical and donā€™t hold any allegiance to a political party.

Good one.

Could I put this hypothesis for consideration? Could it be that areas that have elected Democratic mayors would support the Democratic nominee for the Presidency?

What appears to be inexplicable to those who supported Trump there were more who supported his opponent.

I would also note there have been many comments that the popular vote is not used to elect the president of the USA. Therefore, the number of votes that Trump received is entirely moot.

Trump was extremely polarizing. Itā€™s not surprising at all that people who didnā€™t like him came out to vote.

Unless I am mistaken the only way one could definitively identify that a specific person has voted for a specific candidate is if that person voted and 100% of all the votes cast. In the areas mentioned did that occur?

Which counties did Democrat observers raise complaints about during the election and should therefore now be audited?

So the fact that a DEA Agentā€¦a government employeeā€¦from California no less, was there brandishing his weapon and purposefully having his picture taken displaying it? Does that appear to be staged? The entire slant of the article proves clearly that itā€™s a sheople trough and you are the perfect example of a sheople regurgibleating the nonsense they were fed. Be proud and donā€™t forget, orange man baaa, baaa, baaad.

Seeing is believing. Biden continues to have little curb side appeal. CNN could not even pack a small auditorium for a town hall this week. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

He was also very good at turning out people who never voted before, which is why his actual support on Election Day was always stronger than polls would show it to be.

Because he turned out the types of people who pollsters would never go after, because they never voted before,

Iā€™ve been working the polls at elections for years now. On Election Day in 2020 I saw a phenomenon I never saw in my life before.

Donald Trump Junior got on social media at around 5:00 or so and announced Trump was weak in my area and needed more voters to turn out.

Around 6:00 our polling stations in our area were suddenly inundated with people Iā€™d never seen before in my years of working polls. I chatted with themā€¦many were happy to share they were there because of what Trump Junior said and they had never voted before.

It was incredible.

Thanks for your post on how President Trump has captured the imagination of many new voters.

Also makes some ponder how incredible it is that more people really voted for Biden with him campaigning heavily via virtual means. To think #46 has collected more votes than any other candidate in the history of the Republic. Go figureā€¦

It doesnā€™t make me ponder at all.

Even with this phenomenon, Trump barely beat Hillary Clinton in 2016, and if you recall, Hillary Clinton didnā€™t campaign all that much either. She thought she had it in the bag and so spent her time with rich donors on Marthaā€™s Vineyard or in LA.

All that was needed for Biden to win was people who might have been on the fence in 2016 to pick a side.

Trump was a very polarizing figure.

So not surprised at all Biden was able to turn out so many voters for him despite not campaigning.

Much of the vote for him was to oust Trump more than it was to support Biden.

This is clear when it is seen the only Republican not to do well on Election Day was Donald Trump.

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The reality of the situation is the evolution of how difficult it is for any Republican nominee to any longer capture the White House these days. Bush #43 barely got in against Gore, and 9-1-1 played large in him getting re-elected.

Donald J Trump winning the White House was not supposed to happen.

And if #45 runs in 2024, is nominated and wins again it will validate his assertions that the General Election of 2020 was probably rigged plain and simple in the eyes of voters too.

And if he loses and claims of false fraud once again. What then?

He will never concede, will he try another run in 2028?

How long does this charade go on?


The reasons Trump lost have been articulated several times in this thread. It is the quintessential proverbial taking a horse to water but one canā€™t make it drink.


Is that an indication that the EC should be dumped and it should be on the popular vote?

Candidates come and go. Regardless of party affiliation we are a peaceful nation generally accepting of results no matter who is declared the victor. Vigorous debate is the American way to express concerns heading into the next election. And most any US Citizen age 35 and up in good standing has the right to run for President where we the people get to decide who will be the next Chosen One to lead us the next four years.

When will the next Republican presidential candidate concede a loss and get on with life. 2024?

Or will this be an ongoing saga for losing Republican candidates.


You didnā€™t read the article did you? :joy:

What a copout of a response

It was not staged buddyā€¦but I understand the need to believe it is Jan 6th was not a good look for Republicans and Trumpers especially

ā€œThe DEA agent is among at least 30 officers in 12 states who are being scrutinized for their behavior in the District of Columbia or face criminal charges for participating in the riot.ā€œ