I don’t really think that 2018 is going to be another Trump year. I think that during the mid-term elections, Democrats are going to take back the House, and Democrat Sinema is going to be elected Arizona’s next Senator from here.
What has been happening with Mount Mantop in North Korea may have been the main reason why they stopped their nuclear missile tests.
I think these Trumpkins are living in a fantasy world and don’t understand that the majority of people feel like they are living in a nightmare they can’t wake up from. Everyone is just holding on until November.
It is looking more and more like a slaughter of Republicans across the board because of Trump. Then again, a fact-based world is optional for some on the right.
You had about half of em predicting Trump was going to be gone withing the first year…and half of them said 6 months.
And then we didn’t have a single lib that predicted Trump was going to win in Nov 2016.
If the republicans aren’t going after the working man vote comes this Nov…then they deserve to lose. They need to get their asses out there and go to job sites and talk to those people instead of rubbing elbows with elites.
It’s going to be a ground game…one that republicans never really learn how to play.
Trump showed em…but whether they have learn is the question.